Sunday, April 06, 2008

Journalism, R. I. P.

Declining newspaper circulations, the rise of the blogosphere, fraud scandals, fair and balanced Faux News and its imitators, media consolidation, and, of course, the epidemic of “spin” –all contribute to public cynicism about the integrity and vitality of the fourth estate. Well, now it’s official. Journalism is dead, fossilized. Its mummified remains are on public display at the journalism museum, or Newseum. Next time you’re in Washington, D. C., be sure to pay your respects to the remains of a once noble enterprise, journalism. We hardly knew ye.


  1. Classic journalism was entertaining and was very noble for those you got into it for the right reasons. I don't think that the death of journalism is such a terrible thing. It is a centralized streamlined source of filtered information. People watch fox news at the edge of their lazy boys itching to hear the next thing in that they should fear. The increase of citizen journalism will increase the likelihood that people will start questioning the content. They need to begin asking questions and stop being comfortable in their own ignorance. Sorry journalism...

  2. Yes, well it's part of the transmutation of all media into propaganda. Maybe the question is whether the blogosphere/internet can live up to the promise of democratizing media, though "media" seems, like "journalism," to be an outmoded notion.

    All of it should be renamed "the grapevine."
